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Concussion Rules

Any Player / Cheerleader showing any sign of being concussed, will be immediately deemed ineligible for play / practice, until medically cleared to participate, in writing, by an appropriate health care provider, a copy of said clearance must be sent to the commissioner’s office and viewed, prior to the participant being cleared to participate. 

No participant may return to play without the express consent of the commissioner’s office. 

Failure to comply with this rule will result in the immediate decertification of member status within SYF. 

Participant safety is paramount!!! 

All coaches, players, and parents shall comply with all applicable concussion management and return to play protocols, and practice restrictions, including, but not limited to AB2127 and AB2007. 

To learn more about concussions and the protocol followed by the Durham Jr. Trojans

Please check out the CDC website at CDC Heads UP for Youth Sports

Annual Team Declaration of Compliance We, ____Durham Junior Trojans____________ (team), a youth sports organization, hereby provide this annual 2023 declaration pursuant to the California Youth Football Act (AB:1) (Health and Safety Code 124235 et seq.), understanding and personally affirming the above team its board, coaches, or parents, shall complete all of the following: (1) Obtain DOJ clearance for all coaches and administrators in compliance with all applicable regulations before participation and make available to SYF if requested; (2) Remain in good standing with all government agencies and satisfy insurance; (3) Obtain proper certification and registration of all coaches and youth participants prior to SYF participation (including physicals, signed Code of Conduct, residency, etc.); (4) A tackle football team shall not conduct more than two full-contact practices per week during the preseason and regular season; (5) The full contact portion of a practice shall not exceed 30 minutes in any single day; (6) A coach shall annually receive a tackling and blocking certification from a nationally recognized program to minimize the risk of the involvement of a participant’s head from all tackling and blocking techniques; (7) Concussion and head injury education per Section 124235 (this includes each parent or guardian); (8) Opioid Factsheet for Patients per Section 124236 (this includes each parent or guardian); (9) Training in the basic understanding of the signs, symptoms, and appropriate responses to heat-related illness; (10) Each football helmet shall be conditioned and recertified every other year; (11) A minimum of one state-licensed EMT or higher-level professional (with authority to remove a participant) shall be present during all games; (12) A coach shall receive first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and automated external defibrillator (AED) certification; (13) At least one independent non-rostered individual (licensed in first aid, cardiopulmonary and AED protocols) shall be present at all practices; (14) Safety equipment shall be inspected before every full contact practice or game; (15) Each participant removed pursuant to this section shall comply with Section 124235 (return to play protocols – no participation in a game for at least 10 days if concussed) and shall be reported by the team to SYF; and (16) Each participant shall complete a minimum of 10 hours of non contact practice at the beginning of each season for the purpose of conditioning. As an express part and condition of this Declaration of Compliance, I, for myself and as an authorized representative on behalf of my team, hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless Sacramento Youth Football (SYF), its Commissioners, officers and board members, officials, agents, representatives, attorneys, and/or employees, to the fullest extent permitted by law inclusive of payment of reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees (venue is County of Sacramento), with respect to any and all claims or demands of any kind made by any government, person or entity in connection with this declaration and its requirements. This declaration shall be provided to SYF and posted on the team’s internet website. By signing below, I certify and affirm the above requirements have been or will be met in order to be in good standing with SYF and further I am duly authorized and have the authority on behalf of my team to make this declaration. Date: ____8/21/2023___ Signed By: ___________________________________ Print Name / Title: ____Scott Horn - President___________

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